Hi! I found your thing here (docs/explain/modem.rst) describing Skynet and thought you might want more information! It runs over websockets and permits arbitrary CBOR data in message bodies, as well as arbitrary strings/numbers as channel IDs. It's entirely centralized because distributed systems are quite hard to do, and basically just works as a websocket pub/sub server. (I found out later that this had in fact been done rather a lot of times before, but mine is unique in having a CC client at least) Someone here made something which meddles with the peripheral API to make it emulate actual modem peripherals, but by default the API is quite different. There are other projects in this space like soqet with authentication, but the design called for making it as trustless and simple as possible so skynet requires you to do encryption and stuff yourself (SPUDNET, another project of mine, does not do this and does have a fairly complex authorization system, but is used in different areas). -- Gollark on Discord. February 25th, 2021